
Epsom Salt For Back Acne

Dermatological visits and prescription acne medications can be quite expensive. Before deciding to visit the doctor, there are a few at-home remedies that we recommend trying before taking that route. One of the best at-home treatments involves Epsom salt. Epsom salt, also known as Magnesium Sulfate, is a natural compound; Magnesium eases muscle and joint pain while sulfur has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties that work wonders at combatting acne on your body. Read on to learn a variety of ways you can use Epsom salt as part of your skincare routine to fight acne:

1. Mix about ½ a tablespoon of Epsom salt with a dime-sized amount of a mild face cleanser and massage gently with your clean fingertips in a circular motion on your damp skin. Do not rub harshly because this can tear or irritate your skin further. This is a wonderful exfoliating treatment as well and will rid your skin of dead skin cells that cause the skin to become dry, flakey, and irritated. Exfoliating dead skin cells will also remove deeply embedded impurities from the pores that cause acne. These impurities include excess oil, residue, and acne-causing bacteria. After 1 to 2 minutes, rinse off with warm water, pat dry with a soft hand towel, and follow with a gentle oil-free moisturizer. This treatment can be used twice a week to keep skin healthy, soft, and smooth.

2. Epsom salt is wonderful for curing acne on your back (bacne), neck, shoulders, and buttocks so to allow your skin in these areas to be treated with Epsom salt, a wonderful warm Epsom salt bath is an extremely effective acne treatment. Pour 2 cups of Epsom salt into the running water of a luxurious warm bath and soak your body in it for 30 minutes to allow the salt to seep into the pores of your skin and start fighting the inflammation and infection. Make sure to rinse thoroughly after your bath, gently dry yourself off with a soft towel, and apply a generous amount of an oil-free body moisturizer to your body to balance the pH levels of your skin.

3. Create a facial mask with Epsom salt! Combine ½ tablespoon of Epsom salt, 1 tablespoon of Cognac (with parental permission!), 1 tablespoon of organic dry milk, and 1 tablespoon of fresh-squeezed organic lime juice and mix well together. Apply the mask all over your freshly cleansed, damp face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Once dry, leave on for an additional 5 minutes then rinse off the face mask with lukewarm water. Gently pat dry with a soft hand towel and apply an oil-free moisturizer to retain needed moisture.

4. Exfoliate your skin gently with a mixture of water, 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt, and a cup of organic raw rolled oats and gently work it in a circular motion with your fingertips on your freshly cleansed, damp face and neck for about 1 to 2 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, gently pat dry with a soft hand towel, and apply an oil-free moisturizer to balance the pH levels of your skin and to minimize oil from surfacing on your skin.

5. Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in warm water until it has dissolved. Dip a cotton ball or Q-tip into the mixture and place onto the affected acne areas after cleansing your skin with a mild cleanser. Leave the Epsom salt solution on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water, gently pat your skin dry with a soft hand towel, and apply an oil-free moisturizer.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways you can use Epsom salt for your benefit! Hopefully, you will notice a positive change in your skin and can avoid going to the dermatologist but of course, all at-home treatments do not work for everyone. Do not fret if you have to make a visit to the dermatologist…your skin may just need a little extra tender, loving care.